Nishitetsu Group Human Rights Policy

The Nishitetsu Group respects the human rights of all people inside and outside the company. We will not engage in any business activities that may lead to discrimination or infringement of human rights of any kind.

Implementation of Human Rights Training

The “Leader Training to Promote Education on Human Rights” is conducted to foster leaders of training on human rights issues, including the issue of discrimination. In addition, training by leaders who have taken this course is held annually at each workplace to raise awareness.
In FY2022, 826 leaders provided training to approximately 20,000 employees on all workplace human rights issues, including harassment, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+, and human rights issues, including the issue of discrimination.
In addition to training at all workplaces, human rights training conducted annually is included as part of management training, new-employee training, and position-specific training, together with awareness-raising activities such as the Human Rights Kawaraban (Kabe newspaper).
As a core member of the “Fukuoka City Corporate Human Rights Promotion Council,” established in 1978 by eight companies in Fukuoka, we have been promoting activities to solve human rights issues, including the issue of discrimination, in the local community in cooperation with local companies. These activities have included running various training programs.
We also conduct regular training on human rights issues in the workplace, such as sexual harassment and power harassment, to promote a pleasant work environment.

Number of participants in human rights training











Promotion System

To strengthen our efforts to date, in July 2010 we established the Nishitetsu Group Human Rights Promotion Committee, which is positioned as an advisory body to the ESG Promotion Committee, and restructured our employee training system. We promote education and awareness-raising for employees, while deepening their correct understanding of human rights issues, including the issue of discrimination, and of the social responsibility that companies should fulfill.