Material Issues in Sustainable Management

Under its corporate philosophy, the Nishitetsu Group has contributed to the region’s sustainable development to remain a company that is useful to and trusted by society.
To address social issues for further growth in the future and to achieve sustainable growth and development together with the community, we have identified material issues that provide a high social contribution and a significant impact on corporate value.

Process for Identifying Material Issues

Step 1 Examining material issues

We analyzed global megatrends, socioeconomic conditions, SDGs, guidelines of international organizations, ESG assessment organizations’ evaluation items, industry trends, characteristics of each business, trends of other companies, etc., and examined candidates for material issues.

Step 2: Narrowing down and evaluating material issues

We evaluated our own material issues based on the situation our group is in, our corporate philosophy, the NNR Group CYD Vision 2025, and the 15th Medium-term Management Plan, as well as the level of importance to our own company and to our stakeholders.

Step 3 Identify material issues (themes)

We identified material issues through discussions by the Management Committee and ESG Promotion Committee.

Material Issues

Through the above process, we have identified material issues. We also hope to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing material issues.

Through business activities that take place in harmony with the environment, we will reduce our environmental impact and help to realize a recycling-oriented society and the control of global warming.

We will provide products and services that all customers can use with “peace of mind” by placing the highest priority on ensuring safety.

We value our relationship with the community and contribute to the region’s sustainable development through our business activities.

We will actively listen to our customers, provide products and services that meet their latent needs, and engage in improvement activities, aiming for the Nishitetsu Group to continue being our customers’ first choice.

We will respect the diversity of our employees and conduct “people-oriented management” that enables them to experience the joy of working and fulfillment of their lives.
We will work to promote the development and success of our people so that each and every one of them can be motivated and demonstrate their abilities to generate new value and innovation.

We will promote business activities that respect human rights by deepening proper understanding of human rights issues and the responsibilities that companies must fulfill, and by engaging in dialogue with various stakeholders and providing human rights training for employees.

Based on the “Corporate Philosophy of the Nishitetsu Group,” and taking into consideration the core business characteristics of “providing safe and reliable transportation services” and “community development” that contributes to regional development, we will strive to ensure and enhance an effective framework for transparent, fair, prompt, and decisive management decision-making. This is aimed at meeting the expectations of our stakeholders, including customers, local communities, and shareholders, and to achieve sustainable growth and increase our corporate value over the medium to long term.