Safety Management Committee Building Subcommittee Initiatives

Building fires, earthquakes, and other disasters can cause serious damage if they occur. The Safety Management Committee’s Building Subcommittee will conduct inspections, training, and information sharing to ensure proper building management.

Initiatives to Raise Awareness of Safety Management in Emergency Situations

Fire and disaster drills are conducted at commercial facilities, office buildings, and leisure facilities where many customers gather.

At each of the Group’s facilities, we conduct annual drills in cooperation with tenants, employees, and building management companies to prepare for emergency situations such as fires and earthquakes.

Fire extinguisher training
[RAIRIA Ohashi]
Fire extinguisher training
[RAIRIA Ohashi]
Rescue training from stopped amusement park equipment
[Dazaifu amusement park]
Rescue training from stopped amusement park equipment
[Dazaifu amusement park]

Efforts to Prevent Human Error

We strive to prevent recurrence by sharing information on cases of accidents that have occurred within and outside the Group, and analyzing the causes.

In addition, departments and companies responsible for construction work conduct safety patrols with the participation of subcontractors, and the results are shared at safety and health meetings to raise the safety awareness of all concerned. In addition, documents describing safety procedures are checked by multiple parties to prevent accidents that result from human error.

Conducting Facility Inspections

The Nishitetsu Group has established internal rules for facility management, and conducts patrols and inspections at each facility in accordance with these rules. We are working daily to ensure safety based on lessons learned from past accidents, mainly at the Groups facilities.

In addition, senior management from each division and company conducts inspection tours to identify potential problems and promote efforts to create and improve the climate of safety at the facility.

Safety patrols by the Building Subcommittee
[New condominium construction site]
Safety patrols by the Building Subcommittee
[New condominium construction site]