The NNR Group Anti-bribery Declaration



The NNR Group has established prohibitions against bribery in the “NNR Group Compliance Policies”, and has been striving to prevent bribery.
To have relevant people such as our customers and clients know our attitude toward bribery more clearly, we once again declare our anti-bribery efforts as follows:


  1. The NNR Group fully understands the effects of anti-bribery laws and regulations or guidelines applied in the area where each Group Company operates its businesses, and complies with them.
  2. The NNR Group will not provide, offer, or promise to provide Public Officials, etc. with money, articles, and other benefits which are over the appropriate range in light of the applicable laws and regulations, guidelines, etc. in our business area.
  3.  The NNR Group will not require any profits obtained by improper means. If our employee should use such means, the employee will be subject to strict punishment. If our clients, agents, etc. should do the same, we will decline to continue the business relationship with them.
  4.  As for providing entertainment/gifts, etc. to Public Officials, etc., the NNR Group will keep accurate records of the contents, and maintain the records.



 Hayashida Koichi

林 田 浩 一

Representative Director of the NNR Group
April 1, 2021