16th Medium-term Management Plan

The Nishitetsu Group is delighted to announce that it has established its 16th Medium-term Management Plan (FY 2023–FY 2025) 
as the first step towards realizing its long-term vision “NNR Group CYD Vision 2035” announced in November 2022.

The theme of the 16th Medium-term Management Plan is “Challenge for Sustainable Growth,” and we will steadily promote 
the 16th Medium-term Management Plan in order to continue to be a corporate group that grows sustainably together with the community in the post-COVID-19 era.


Theme・Basic Philosophy

Challenge for sustainable growth

Basic Philosophy

Further structural reforms in the post-COVID-19 era and growth strategies to enhance corporate value as the foundation to achieve the new long-term vision “NNR Group CYD Vision 2035”

Specific measures for each priority strategy in each business area

Continue Our Structural Reform and Develop/Restructure the Business Foundatio

■Secure human resources to serve as the foundation of our business

  • Strengthen recruitment of crew members and improve retention rate

■Establish a sustainable organizational and management structure

  • Investigate the reorganization of bus sales office and maintenance center locations

■Improve profitability and reduce operating costs

  • Restructure bus station operations
  • Consider fare revision

Promote Sustainable and Lively Community Development  
■Provide attentive and seamless mobility services customized to the customer’s usage

  • Build a MaaS covering the wide area of Kyushu
  • Sell digital tickets in cooperation with other companies

■Capture domestic and international tourism and MICE demand and improve the
 environment for receiving such demand

  • Expand payment methods by introducing touch payment and QR code payment
  • Create new special tickets (destination linked tickets, etc.)
  • Increase transportation capacity and use new bus terminals to meet increased demand at Fukuoka Airport

■Rebuild the transportation network in collaboration with various stakeholders
 (e.g., linkage with other modes, including the Knowroute)

Visa Touch payment
Visa Touch payment

Expand Growth Businesses and Create New Earning Power 

■Capture demand in areas undergoing further development

  • Respond to the redevelopment of the Tenjin area and the increased demand for Island City(linkage with facilities attracting customers and other modes, route reorganization)

■Challenge ourselves with new services and businesses by utilizing new technologies

  • Actively participate in and promote demonstration tests of automated buses
  • Introduce a new cab dispatch system and expand the introduction of cab dispatch apps
  • Metaverse Museum of Railways and Buses “Nishitetsu-verse”

■Expand the acquisition of new sources of income and create new schemes by utilizing our
 expertise, etc.

  • Expand direct sales of AI-based on-demand bus “Knowroute”
  • Direct sales of “nimoca” bus system
Image of “Nishitetsu-verse”
Image of “Nishitetsu-verse”

Strengthen Sustainable Management    

■Initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050

  • Implement measures based on a TCFD scenario analysis
    (introduction of retrofit electric buses, study of hydrogen buses, etc.)

Pursue Safety and Security 

■Initiatives to ensure safety

  • Maintain platform doors at Nishitetsu Fukuoka (Tenjin) Station
  • Review the bus crew improvement standards notice
  • Prevent accidents caused by crew health
AI-based on-demand bus “Knowroute”
AI-based on-demand bus “Knowroute”

Continue Our Structural Reform and Develop/Restructure the Business Foundation

■Promote structural reforms

  • Change the management structure of the hotel business
    (transfer of management entity to Nishitetsu Hotels Co., Ltd.) [from April 2023]
  • Reorganize group companies(consolidation of building management and construction work through the integration of Nishitetsu Building Management Co., Ltd. and Nishitetsu Densetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd.) [from April 2023]

■Improve profitability

  • Strengthen the property management business in the leasing business
  • Promote mixed-use development in Hirano, Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu City

Promote Sustainable and Lively Community Development

■Complete the Fukuoka Building Block Development Project

  • Promote construction work to complete the New Fukuoka Building (scheduled to be completed in December 2024)
  • Attract tenants to provide “Intersection of creation”
  • Develop a management plan to continue to enhance the value of Tenjin

■Promote development projects, etc., in collaboration with landowners in Tenjin and other
 central Fukuoka areas

  • (Temporary name) Tenjin 2-chome South Block East-West Area Ekimae Project (joined the Urban Planning Promotion Council)
  • (Temporary name) Tenjin 1-chome 15–16 Area Project (joined the redevelopment preparatory association)
  • Investigate the redevelopment of owned properties in central Fukuoka

■Develop areas along rail lines and develop communities centered on regional hubs

  • Develop the peripheral areas and stores through consecutive elevated projects
    (under the elevating structures of Sakuranamiki Station, Kasugabaru Station, Shirakibaru Station)
  • Promote tourism and community development in Dazaifu and Yanagawa
    (creation of tourist exchange centers)
  • Formulate a development plan for the former Kashiikaen site

■Capture domestic and international tourism and MICE demand

  • Sustainably attract customers to Tenjin (collaboration with commercial facilities, area management, etc.)
  • Create exchanges in cooperation with local communities (attracting visitors to the rail line, creating contents, planning products utilizing local resources, etc.)

Expand Growth Businesses and Create New Earning Power

■Expand business areas and operations in Japan

  • Expand the condominium development business in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Kansai region, etc.
  • Expand the logistics real estate business for lease
  • Participate in the real estate solutions business with Nishitetsu Group companies
  • Steadily promote plans to open new hotels in Japan
    (Nishitetsu Hotel Croom Hakata Gion Kushida Jinja-mae [April 2023], etc.)

■Expand projects for international community development

  • Steadily promote business in countries where we have already established a presence by collaborating with partners (Southeast Asia and the U.S.)
  • Deepen initiatives for housing projects in Southeast Asia
  • Steadily promote plans to open new international hotels
    (Solaria Nishitetsu Hotel Taipei Northwest Gate (temporary name) [summer 2023], Bangkok No. 2 [summer 2024])

■Remain involved in Tenjin’s community development and contribute to the acceleration of
 community development

  • Utilize securitization schemes for real estate projects
  • Create stable development profits and opportunities to manage properties and buildings
Exterior image of 
"(Temporary name) New Fukuoka Building"
Exterior image of
"(Temporary name) New Fukuoka Building"
Image of "Kasugabaru Station store"
Image of "Kasugabaru Station store"
Nishitetsu Hotel Croom Hakata Gion Kushida Jinja-mae
Nishitetsu Hotel Croom Hakata Gion Kushida Jinja-mae

Strengthen Sustainable Management    

■Initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050

  • Develop a roadmap based on a TCFD scenario analysis
  • Renew existing facilities to be energy efficient, and study the adoption of renewable energy for newly developed properties
  • Promote environmentally-friendly development
    (Housing: introduction of ZEH, etc.)

Continue Our Structural Reform and Develop/Restructure the Business Foundation

■Increase and improve profitability

  • Reduce food loss by introducing an ordering support system that uses AI to predict the demand for the store business, etc.
  • Reduce delivery costs by streamlining logistics in the store business
  • Renew InCube Tenjin, a general merchandise store

Promote Sustainable and Lively Community Development

■Open new stores along Nishitetsu lines, etc. (e.g., new Kasugabaru store)

Expand Growth Businesses and Create New Earning Power

■Expand business through M&A in the store business
■Strengthen the food business (home meal and restaurant food)

Strengthen Sustainable Management

■Initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050

  • Develop a roadmap based on a TCFD scenario analysis

Continue Our Structural Reform and Develop/Restructure the Business Foundation

■Study the establishment of a management and supervisory organization for the
 international logistics business group for overall optimization
■Strengthen sales and improve operational efficiency by promoting DX
 (promote digitalization of marketing and management)

Expand Growth Businesses and Create New Earning Power

■Expand the forwarding business (gain economies of scale)

  • Respond flexibly to increase the volume of goods
  • Strengthen procurement strategies aimed at cost reduction
  • Strengthen the highly specialized areas of hazardous goods, foodstuffs, and pharmaceuticals and medical devices

■Strengthen business in Kyushu

  • Enhance transportation services within Kyushu by utilizing Fukuoka Logistics Center
  • Expand business in Kumamoto, where the semiconductor industry is concentrated

■Expand the Logistics Center

  • Establish Kanto Logistics Center to strengthen logistics in the Kanto region

■Expand the international network
 (target at the end of FY 2025: 135 cities in 35 countries/regions worldwide)
■Consider M&A and alliances

Strengthen Sustainable Management
■Initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050

  • Develop a roadmap based on a TCFD scenario analysis
  • Implement initiatives for green logistics
    (promotion of container round use and modal shift)
  • Monitor scope 3 CO2 emissions and implement reduction initiatives

Expand Growth Businesses and Create New Earning Power

■Expand business in the energy field

  • Expand projects to develop the power source for renewable energy
    (including collaboration with municipalities along rail lines)

■Create new businesses and services

  • Increase the number of agricultural products and expand business in the area of agricultural and fishery products
  • Create business through M&A and alliances
  • Create business with digital platforms

■Secure diverse human resources in anticipation of business expansion

  • Review working conditions, including wages
  • Expand measures that cater to diverse values and life stages
  • Acquire and develop highly specialized human resources by implementing a job-based system, etc.

■Strengthen human resources to support sustainable growth (human capital management)

  • Support for self-development and introduction of talent management, etc.
  • Secure and develop global human resources
  • Communicate actively to promote and achieve CYD Vision 2035
    (launched “Future Lab,” a cross-sectional organization of young employees)

■Build an organizational structure appropriate to the characteristics of each business to
 enhance employee engagement

■Portfolio management initiatives
 (optimal balance between sustainability and capital efficiency)
■Strengthen governance in international operations
■Enhance disclosure to investors and shareholders
■Ensure stable return of profits to shareholders

Management Targets (Consolidated)

Investment Plan (Consolidated)