Since its establishment in 1908, the Nishitetsu Group has ridden various changes to reach the present day. However, we recognize that the long-term business environment after COVID-19 will continue to change at an even faster pace and with greater uncertainty as we encounter phenomena such as accelerated digitalization, the development of a decarbonized society, and lifestyle diversification.


In order to achieve sustainable growth in this environment, we have formulated a new long-term vision called “NNR Group CYD Vision 2035,” which envisions where we want to be in 2035, not as an extension of our existing business model but by backcasting from our envisioned future image.


In this long-term vision, we set our fundamental stance as “Grow in harmony with you” in order to realize our ideal image. We are committed to reforming our business model by evolving the business to connect people and carry their expectations, and by entering new fields of business. We will also create an environment in which each employee can work enthusiastically and achieve their potential while realizing personal growth and conquering challenges, and build an efficient and sustainable business portfolio.


In March 2023, we formulated the 16th Medium-Term Management Plan, covering the three-year period from FY2023 to FY2025, as the first step towards realizing our vision. Under the theme of “Challenge for sustainable growth,” we are striving to build a sustainable public transportation business for the future, complete the Fukuoka Building Block Development Project, apply our expertise to build a foundation for a business model that does not rely on fixed assets, enter new areas of business, and review our wages and other working conditions to secure diverse human resources.


The Nishitetsu Group will continue to take on the challenge of creating a happy and prosperous society by regarding the various issues faced by local communities and people as our own, and working together with our stakeholders to find solutions. We appreciate your continued support.


Hayashida Koichi

President and CEO

Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd.